4th of July Fireworks in Tacoma
I've just set up the blogging feature in my Flickr account, so this is a test post from that. The picture his is one I took during this past 4th of July from up on a hill overlooking the Tacoma fireworks being launched off a barge in Commencement Bay. I've got a few other neat ones that I've uploaded to Flickr, as well. Here's a link: My Flickr Photos.
As an aside, I completely dislike typing "Flickr". It just feels wrong, looks wrong, and gets pronounced in my head wrong. Why must they do things like this to me? It makes typing up a blog post take twice as long as it should, since I keep seeing apparent typos. Or, worse yet, I spell it "correctly" as Flicker and then have to go back and fix it. Jerks.
I digress. It looks like this Flickr blog posting works.