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I love the smell of new electronics in the morning.

There's something about the smell of a new piece of computer equipment that makes me happy. I've heard that memory and the olfactory sense are linked; the smell of a new mouse, keyboard, or in this case, a new Powerbook, brings back that feeling from Christmas morning, opening presents from Santa.

Similarly, the smell of new software and books bring back pleasant feelings, though a bit different from computer equipment. Opening up new software brings me back to when I'd save up my allowance and make a trip to Electronics Boutique at the mall and buy a new computer game. That was always fun: leaving shrink-wrap plastic and registration cards scattered over the dining room table while I sat there switching between 12 3.5" floppy disks, installing my new game.

New books--text books, in particular--on the other hand, have an odor that gives me that first-day-of-school feeling, that bit of excitement and optimism that I'd get before realizing, a few weeks later, that this year isn't much different from the last and this year's classes aren't any more exciting than last year's ones.

Anyway, I got a new PowerBook for work. :) Woohoo!

Man, that makes me sound like a geek.

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